Customer Testimonials

Ian Llewellyn y Tony Bowkett describen la Asociación de Productividad entre Vero Software y Nikken Kosakusho. El video muestra el mecanizado en 5 ejes de un impulsor utilizando la mesa Nikken 5AX-350 en una máquina Bridgeport, programado por VISI CAD / CAM y utilizando la función Cycle Def 128 (TCPM - Gestión del centro de la herramienta) del controlador Heidenhain iTNC530..

Software To Grow Your Business

VISI is acknowledged as one of the world's leading PC based CAD CAM software solutions for the Mould & Die industries. It offers a unique combination of applications, fully integrated wireframe, surface and solid modelling, comprehensive 2D, 3D and 5-axis machining strategies with dedicated high speed routines.

Two-Impression Tool Made Through VISI Helps School’s COVID-19 Plan

An injection moulding specialist helped a public school in Rutland to produce thousands of pieces of PPE for frontline workers during the early days of the COVID-19 crisis.